With December 4th set as the date for certifying the local elections, the preliminary results show Culver City was as active as most of the nation on Election Day. With the city noting a 47% turnout rate, the voters overwhelming passed the two city sponsored measures to increase the sales tax by 1/4 of one cent, and to move the local election from April to November.
The full text on Measure C – as follows here – specifies not just the amount of the sales tax but where the city will be spending it: “Culver City Neighborhood Safety and City Services Protection Measure. Shall the measure to maintain 911 emergency response times by retaining firefighters, police officers, paramedics; fully staff neighborhood fire stations; fix potholes/streets; maintain senior services, after school programs, parks and other general fund City services, by increasing Culver City’s sales tax one-quarter cent, until ended by voters with no rate increase, generating approximately $4,900,000 annually, requiring independent annual audits, and all funds used locally, be adopted?”
Yes: 12,424 (70.57%)
No: 5,181 (29.43%)
The complete text on Measure D notes the changes in the City charter that must be amide to move the election forward by eight months, “amending Sections 606 and 1500 of the Culver City Charter to change the date of the City’s General Municipal Election for City Council Members from April of even-numbered years to the date of the statewide general election, currently held in November of even-numbered years,”
Set to take effect in 2020, Measure D also has the effect of adding length to the council term limits set for the next election.
Yes: 13,798 (83.31%)
No: 2,765 (16.69%)
Judith Martin-Straw
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