Dear Editor,
People have a variety of reasons for their positions on Measure K depending in part on the depth and breadth of their familiarity with education funding in general and CCUSD’s budget in particular. I’m supporting Measure K for two salient reasons. First, California’s funding for public education has been consistently among the lowest of the 50 states. Second, the current and future CCUSD students did not cause the current budget situation and do not deserve to have their education compromised.
Measure K is a modest proposal to help maintain the current status of CCUSD. It would generate about $2.36 million a year (June 26, 2018, Board meeting minutes, Action Item 14.2). This amount is very similar to the annual deficits projected for the current school year and the next two years (see page 172 of the 2018-2019 Adopted Budget on CCUSD’s website). Moreover, it has a moderate time period of seven years.
I’m so glad to live in a community which values our wonderful public schools. Please continue supporting public education by voting “yes” on Measure K.
Jessica Beagles-Roos ,
Former CCUSD Board member, 2001-2009
Of course, the students didn’t cause this budget crisis. They never have and never will. But you forgot to mention who did. The current Board are the current culprits. And, yes, I agree students should not have their education futures compromised. But isn’t that what this board did: compromised our children’s education with their mismanagement of the district funds.
This Board gave raises beyond what the district could afford and in doing so, increased the district’s STRS and PERS contributions it had to pay. They paid those raises with one-time savings from the Reserve Fund. Something previous boards knew better not to do.
Now board members want bailed out! And I don’t see them doing any different in the future with any new local funding than they have in the past four years. Even though it was a different board in place, remember Measure EE when the ballot description sounded much like this year’s? 90% of it went for teacher salaries in the AP program!