If you have concerns about the urban coyotes, you are not alone. The presence of these wild animals has seen a huge loss of pets in several areas of Culver city, particularly Carlson Park, Vets Park and the Culver Crest. The Culver City Police Department will host a Community Meeting to discuss current coyote concerns and the City’s Coyote Management Program on Tuesday, August 28th at 6:30 p.m. in the Mike Balkman Council Chambers, 9770 Culver Boulevard, Culver City. For questions regarding this Community Forum, please call Lieutenant Troy Dunlap at (310) 253-6258.
Reporting coyote sightings and any animal carcass discovery is crucial to learning the behavior, locations and movement patterns of these cunning animals. Reports should include date and time of the incident and any direct witness observations. All coyote activity should be reported to the Culver City Police Department by leaving a message at 310-253-6143 or emailing Animal Services.
Preventive Measures
There are preventative measures that both residents and businesses can do to reduce the presence of coyotes in our communities: Do not feed or leave out food for local wildlife (ie., raccoons, opossum, outdoor cats), keep yard clear of fruit droppings and secure refuse containers. Cats should be kept indoors at all times and dogs should be walked on a leash, not exceeding six feet in length.
Wildlife Watch
Wildlife Watch is a partnership program in which the community and city departments work to establish a comprehensive and integrated management strategy for minimizing human-wildlife conflicts and improving the quality of life in urban settings. Please contact Lt. Kellum to join the Wildlife Watch Program.
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