Heritage Park Neighbors Reach Out to Support Hall Family

Life can be a challenge, but it’s easier when you have friends and neighbors to help. With the death of David Hall. his friends and neighbors have gathered together to create a GoFundMe campaign to help the family through. From Carol Hacquebord,”As a result of severe financial setbacks, Dave and Rinda were forced to sell their house about two years ago to pay off some rather large debt. In addition, neither was able to find employment. Consequently, Rinda and the kids, Bodhi and Indira, who are now 14 and going into their first year at Culver City High School, are facing some extreme financial hardships and unexpected expenses. We are hoping that through your generosity we will be able to help them in this time of need.”

Thank you so much for your love and support.

To donate, got to www.gofundme.com/pjuvq-the-hall-family

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