On Thursday, July 26th, Common Peace, Center for the Advancement of Nonviolence – a 501(c)(3) nonprofit located in Culver City –- in partnership with the Los Angeles nonprofit Institute for Nonviolence – will be co-producing a Days of Dialogue for the Future of Policing. The Days of Dialogue will take place at the Common Peace office at The Peace Center at 3916 Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City 90230. This is a free event. Dinner will be served from 6 – 6:30 p.m.; the dialogue circles will take place from 6:30 p.m. – 9 p.m.
The Days of Dialogue is a program initiated by the Institute for Nonviolence about 10 years ago that brings together local police departments with the community members they are policing, in a constructive authentic dialogue. Hundreds of Days of Dialogues have taken place in the Greater LA area. Groups of six to eight community participants sit with one or two officers and a facilitator. Each group is given some basic guidelines for participating, and the group is then guided by their facilitator in the dialogue. The evening is structured so that everyone is a participant – both the community members and the police officers. The intention of the evening is to first – introduce the police and community members to each other; and secondly – to allow the community members to speak – in a safe environment – about what is on their hearts and minds in regard to activities happening in their communities! And it is the opportunity for the police officers participating to get to know their community on a one on one level, and to speak about any concerns they may have. The goal is “authentic dialogue!”
Each Days of Dialogue takes on its own flavor – as the purpose of the evening is to discuss what is happening in that specific community. Since the general location of the Peace Center is partly in the Los Angeles Police Department jurisdiction – and partly in the Culver City Police jurisdiction, Officers from both LAPD and Culver City have graciously agreed to attend, as participants.
Any Culver City organization and/or business is welcome to join us in the dialogue along with the Culver City community members and neighbors. If you are a local business that would like to co-sponsor the event and/or donate food/drink items to the dinner, please call Candace @ (310) 709-4097.
Questions or inquiries may be directed to: Candace Carnicelli, Executive Director of Common Peace at (310) 709-4097. The Common Peace website is www.commonpeace.org.
RSVPs for The Days of Dialogue – Thursday, July 26, 2018 – 6 p.m. dinner; 6:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. dialogue – may be made to [email protected] – or via voicemail to: (310) 390-7278. RSVPs strongly requested so that we know how much food we will need to provide.
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