Angels, Devils and Other Things – A Festival of Ten Minute Plays @ Actors’ Gang

Variety? Diversity? Diabolical Divinity? Closing out this season at the Actors’ Gang at the Ivy Substation, this festival production of short original plays, written and directed by The Actors’ Gang ensemble, is a tour of the human landscape: habit, compulsion, anger, trauma, acceptance, chance, liberty, nature and the unnatural are some of the themes explored in the 11 plays. This is an original and unique evening displaying the multi-faceted talents of the company, a production meant to nurture and propel a new generation of playwrights and directors from within The Actors’ Gang.


Running May 17 – June 16, for tickets, click the ad on the right side of the page; if you are reading on your smartphone, just scroll down. 

The Actors' Gang

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