IWOSC presents a Saturday Seminar: Jump Start Your Book Writing Project this Summer! This Saturday, June 17, 2017 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. In this workshop, we’ll be using specially designed techniques that help enliven and enrich books of different genres – whether fiction or non-fiction — and tools to sharpen your writing and organization skills. We’ll get you started, and you’ll find you won’t want to stop. Or we’ll help you move to the next level of your work in progress.
If you have started a project you’d like to bring to life, please bring a brief sample (one-three pages), for review. If you haven’t begun, that’s perfectly fine. We’ll be doing a bit of short writing from Ina’s Weird Prompts™ to loosen up those writing muscles and get you going.
We’ll give feedback to as many as time permits. Some of the topics we’ll discuss:
Themes and Structure: considering a variety of ways to hook your stories, characters, or how-to tips together to draw readers in
Dialog: adding life and spice to your writing
Character: ways to give dimension to the people portrayed
Ongoing motivation tips to keep you at it during the summer, and later!
Our Presenter: Ina Hillebrandt is a writer, speaker, writing coach and editor/publisher with 20+ years of experience in memoir, fiction, mystery, comedy and self-help. She’s proud to say students and clients have told her, “Thanks, Coach, I couldn’t have done it without you!” Her own books include How to Write Your Memoirs…Fun Prompts To Make Reading…And Writing…Your Life Stories A Pleasure!, Pawprints, The Student Prints, Pawprints curriculum companion, and her latest, You Are Who You Eat, The Revolutionary New Cannibal Diet. Writers she’s coached include new and published authors, corporate clients, and educators via private coaching, UCLA and other universities, the Jane Goodall Institute, and K-12 schools in New York and Los Angeles. Her work includes taking the written word onstage, and she is involved in developing film and TV projects.
Saturday, June 17, 2017, 10:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Veterans Memorial Building, 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City 90230 (corner of Culver Boulevard. Parking entrance on Culver) Map of location. Free parking! Enter on Culver. IWOSC members $15; General public $35
RESERVATION PROCEDURE is entirely online now.
Follow this link: iwosc.org/jump-start-book-writing-project/
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