LOCALmotion – Jozelle Smith

feature1-3Lots of fun things for your kids to do this summer, and the Parks & Recreation’s Summer 2017 session is coming up fast! In addition to swim lessons or Recreation Classes, there are unique summer camps such as YSE Youth Sports Camp, Coast-2- Coast Irish Soccer Camp, Skateside Skate Camp and many more! Resident registration starts this Monday, May 20 and non-resident registration next Monday, May 27. For a full look at what’s available and for what age groups, visit www.culvercity.org/live/community-neighborhood/parks-recreation-culture/recreational-activities. There you can access the online brochure and online registration through the Active Network. OR you can call (310) 253-6650 to get your questions answered live!

The Culver City Rotary Club and Culver City Exchange Club are joining forces this Tuesday, May 23 to celebrate the brave men and women in our Culver City Police Department. They’re expecting a great turnout of club members, friends and business associates at the DoubleTree Hotel to applaud not only our CCPD, but the announcement of a local “Community Hero.” There still may be space available: contact Janice Beighey or Anna (310)837-6101 or at [email protected].

It’s a busy week, all right! This Saturday, May 27 at 5:00 p.m. at Turning Point School Auditorium (8780 National Blvd.) The Culver City Chamber Orchestra will celebrate its own 20th birthday by presenting “Culver City’s Centennial Celebration.” This will feature Culver City alumni, Grammy-nominated Andres Cardenes, distinguished professor and internationally acclaimed violinist, and sister Arlette Cardenes, cellist, teacher, and conductor. Also featured will be Culver City High School Senior Isabel Parra, performing works by Felix Mendelssohn, Johannes Brahms, with special musical surprises! Admission for Adults, $25.00; Seniors and children, $15.00, and children under 12, $5.00. For tickets or more information, visit www.cccchamberorchestra.org or call (310) 397-2490.

Helping the Culver City Rock & Mineral Club gear up for its annual Fiesta of Gems on July 8 and 9 are new members Julie Bongers, Lauren Chmur, Perita Edwards, Michael McMenamin, Soraluck Joy Namwang, Bruce Stambaugh, and Mary Stambaugh. They join a great group of rockhounds in helping make grab bags, setting up display cases, liners, lights, locks and security during the show, handling raffle tickets, the Kids’ Corner, Entry Desk, and more!

Wait a minute! Isn’t this considered a violation of the Brown Act? Probably not, dang it, but Mayor Jeff Cooper and wife Rafia, Vice Mayor Thomas Small, wife Joanna Brody and kids and former mayor Jim Clarke are all in agreement on the great hospitality (and food, especially lemon gelato!) offered up at our new Friendship City, Capo d’Orlando, in Italy. This initial visit also includes CCSC President Sonia Karroum and Vice President Nancy Perdomo-Browning, and just may lead to both cities deciding they would like a strong, long-term relationship as Sister Cities! Count us in!

Birthday wishes go out this week to Patrick Case, Emma Baker, Grace West, John Maines, Nancy Morgan and sister Loretta Jewelle Morgan Tarry, and Ron Engen. If you, a friend or family member have a birthday coming up and would like to see it posted here, let us know at [email protected]!

The Actors' Gang

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