Dear Editor – Support for Sanctuary

Light-bulb-0003-300x198Dear Editor,

I am writing to ask you to support the motion to make Culver City a formal sanctuary city.

It would be easy to say that we need to study this more, or that we need to be cautious, or that it won’t make a difference. Those may all be true. But to me all the arguments come down this: We need to do the right thing for our neighbors. We as a city need to do the right thing for the people who have worked hard for a better life, who have lived in the shadows, in fear. We need to do the right thing for the children whose parents are here without documentation but who are themselves citizens. We need to do the right thing for those who might not want to come forward when they are victims of domestic violence or crime because they are afraid to talk to the police.

I truly believe that our city needs to state loudly and clearly that the people of our city matter, whether they are documented or not. I hope that you will vote to put us on the right side of history.

Christine Ferreira

The Actors' Gang

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