Pedestrian-based live art experience “Remote L.A.” opens Tuesday, March 14 at 4 p.m. as part of Center Theatre Group’s 50th season at the Mark Taper Forum. Created and conceived by Stefan Kaegi and Jörg Karrenbauer of international documentary theatre team Rimini Protokoll, “Remote L.A.” takes place in Downtown L.A. and will run through April 2, 2017.
Audiences will join a group of 50 people exploring Downtown Los Angeles on a guided audio tour that seems to follow them as much as they are following it. Audience members meet up, put on headphones and have their perspectives changed as they are provided with a soundtrack to the streets, sights and rooftops of Los Angeles. A computer-generated voice sets them out on a trail through the city, guiding the group’s movements in real time. The performance reveals a “secret Los Angeles,” journeying to places normally unseen, places where humans encounter their limits, places where crowds gather, back alleyways, dark hallways and common areas seen through a new lens. Participants are not just audience members, they are actors and spectators, observers and observed, individuals and a pack, all at the same time.
For more info, go to CenterTheatreGroup.org
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