Heal the Bay isn’t just looking our for Santa Monica Bay – they are looking out for environmental standards across the country.
Yesterday, Feb, 1, 2017, members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works boycotted the vote to confirm Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt’s nomination to lead the EPA. A vote will be rescheduled in the coming days.
From the offices of Heal the Bay, “This is our last chance. We must tell representatives to reject Pruitt as EPA chief. Pruitt’s recent past includes challenging the core mission of the agency he now seeks to lead. He has sued the EPA on behalf of regulated industries in more than a dozen instances in an attempt to weaken regulations such as the federal Clean Water Act — the bedrock of our work at Heal the Bay and at sister organizations across the nation. We question Pruitt’s future commitment to protect public health, enforce the law, and hold corporations accountable to maintain healthy water, air, and land in their business practices.
As a trusted ocean and watershed advocate, Heal the Bay is guided by the best science, not emotion. Over the last 30 years, we have seen first-hand how the EPA and its partner organizations can improve public health for Angelenos through environmental policies and regulations. A weakened EPA means turning back the clock on our critical programs in Greater Los Angeles that monitor beach water quality, prevent unsafe consumption of locally caught fish, protect our dwindling wetlands, and keep our streams and watersheds healthy to buffer communities from climate change.”
Add your voice to this petition now urging the U.S. Senate Committee to reject Pruitt’s nomination. Tell our elected officials to maintain strong EPA funding for programs that affect our Bays nationwide.
Heal the Bay
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