CCPD Wins Traffic Safety Grant

7304bebb-d6df-43bb-a36b-af87ab35b3cfCulver City Police Department has been awarded a $70,000.00 grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) for a year-long program of special enforcements and public awareness efforts to prevent traffic related deaths and injuries. Culver City Police Department will use the funding as part of the city’s ongoing commitment to keep our roadways safe and improve the quality of life through both enforcement and education.

Chief Scott Bixby stated, “We at the Culver City Police Department take great pride and are passionate about everything we do. We believe in, and practice a professional and proactive approach to police work, while valuing community partnerships. We measure our effectiveness through our response time, our case clearance, our crime prevention and reduction efforts, and by ensuring an effective Parking Enforcement program and an efficient flow of traffic. This grant will help us in achieving our goals by providing us the funding to target the most egregious of traffic law violators, while educating our community members through public outreach and education efforts.”

After falling to a ten year low in 2010, the number of persons killed has climbed nearly 17% across the state with 3,176 killed in 2015 according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Particularly alarming is the six year rise in pedestrian and bicycle fatalities, along with the growing dangers of distracting technologies, and the emergence of drug-impaired driving as a major problem. This grant funding will provide opportunities to combat these and other devastating problems such as drunk driving, speeding and crashes at intersections. “Years of research tell us that enforcement and education work best jointly to combat unsafe driving,” said OTS Director Rhonda Craft. “This grant brings both tactics together, with the Office of Traffic Safety and the Culver City Police Department working in concert to help keep the streets and highways safe across Culver City and the state.”


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