Starting to figure out that your kids might need a little more structured after-school time? There may still be space in the Culver City Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department’s Elementary (Farragut, Linwood Howe, El Marino and El Rincon) Programs plus their Middle School Programs – both running from after-school dismissal times until 6:00 p.m. These include Homework Assistance, Computer Access, Healthy Daily Snacks, Crafts, Games and Sports and Special Events. The Middle School Program also offers Exclusive Study Hall in the school library, and textbooks for all classes and all subjects. For additional information call (310) 253-6650.
Not tired of – or finally getting really fired up – re the upcoming election? The Republican 54th AD invites you to Central Committee Meeting on Tuesday, October 11 from 7:30 p.m. at Lenny’s Deli Westwood, 2379 Westwood Blvd. All Republicans are invited to attend, and are encouraged to buy dinner so they can reserve their usual meeting space. For further information, contact: Lady Cage-Barile (323) 251-5682 or Amir Zendehnam (925) 451-0827.
Right up there too, the second Wednesday of each month the Culver City Democratic Club meets at 7:00 p.m. at the Veterans’ Memorial Building, 4117 Overland Avenue (that means this Wednesday, October 12). All Democrats are welcome to attend, and refreshments are provided. President Khin Khin Gyi promises that lively discussion among like-minded Democrats will abound!
There’s a whole new side to the monthly Walk With a Doc (WWAD) this month, befitting the kickoff of our city’s Centennial Celebration: This Saturday, October 15 at 8:45 a.m. the walk will begin in front of City Hall, led by City Historian Julie Lugo Cerra. Culver City Historical Society docents (including Stu Freeman, who will be stationed in front of Akasha Restaurant at the corner of the Hull Building, owned by the Freeman family for three generations) will speak along the way. Parking is free and will be available underneath City Hall.
Deep in Centennial mode, as part of the Culver City Friends of the Library’s “One Book, One City” program for the Centennial, the Friends of the Library are hosting a book discussion of West of Sunset (about author F. Scott Fitzgerald’s later years at MGM Studios). At 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 15 author Stewart O’Nan will speak at the Culver City Julian Dixon Library, 4975 Overland Avenue, about his book. No RSVP is necessary, just go and enjoy! There will be a reception in the community room, courtesy of the Friends of the Library, following the talk. Unfortunately, author O’Nan has a plane to catch back to the east coast, so he will only be at the library until noon. For more information, go to the Friends of the Library website at
What better moment in time to join the Culver City Police Department for coffee and conversation at “Coffee with a Cop”? Extend your hand in thanks for the work they do plus ask any questions of our law enforcement professionals this Thursday October 13th at the new Starbucks located at 6150 Slauson Ave. in the Westfield Culver City Mall parking lot. The coffee’s free will be served starting at 8:30 a.m. (Are we the only ones who thought of maybe taking doughnuts?)
This Thursday, October 13 at 7:00 p.m. at New Song LA – 5875 Green Valley Cir #200, the Fox Hills Neighborhood Association meeting will focus on their new Neighborhood Watch program. They’ll be meeting Culver City Police Department Lt. Sam Agaib regarding an update on crime in the area and meet their fellow Neighborhood Watch Captains. Also on the program will be City Traffic Engineer Gabe Garcia, who will speak on future changes to Fox Hills parking and speeding limits, and there will also be an open discussion on the pros and cons of upcoming ballot initiatives. For more information, visit
Last Saturday was a great day for Grace Lutheran Church and Grace Diner, along with Medical Mission Adventures, whose mobile medical clinic and optical vans you may have seen parked in front of the church on Overland Avenue. MMA teams focus on the medical, dental and vision needs of the underserved in the Southern California region, as well as responding to natural disasters in all parts of the world to provide basic medical services. Grace Church and Grace Diner volunteers, headed up by Ken Smith and Cindy Lundquist, provided a total of 37 non-clinical volunteers and 10 Clinical volunteers in addition to the MMA staff, serving a total 56 individual patients, most of whom needed multiple services. All in all, there were 160-180 patient contacts. There were multiple food donations (special thanks to Sorrento Market!) offered to all, along with translators and hugs where needed. Grace Lutheran Church is hoping to make this an annual event.
The popular “Walk Street Blues Band” will be performing this Friday evening, October 14 at the Elks Lodge #1917, 11160 Washington Place in Culver City. These lively locals will play from 8:00 p.m. until midnight (enter via the parking lot/patio). For more information call (310) 839-1917.
Falling deeper into Fall birthdays are Jay Shery, Larry Burns, Al Schreibman, Cathie Seeman, Shirley Cox, Robert Tidwell, Cindy Lundquist, John Ziegler, Olivia Andrew, and Sara Grimm-Weeks. If you’d like your (or a friend or family member’s) birthday mentioned here, just send the information to [email protected] and we’ll be happy to post it!
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