How Kids Can Impact Community Policy – SRTS Webinar

Education-minYouth support for policy change, program development and community planning can be the catalyst to success: When kids speak up, adults listen. Learn about youth engagement at the local, regional and state level, how kids of all ages are influencing their community in positive ways, and how your community can engage youth, participate in meaningful dialog, and share ideas with decision makers and community members to make a difference for safety in their community.

On Wednesday, August 24th, the Safe Routes to School National Partnership is hosting a free webinar, Youth Engagement: How Kids Can Impact Community Policy, Programs and Planning August 24th, 10:00 am.

Kate Moening, Field Services Manager, Safe Routes to School National Partnership
Emma Pachuta, Program Director – Smart Trips Neighborhoods, St. Paul Smart Trips
Kristin Haukom, Safe Routes to School Regional Coordinator, California Department of Public Health
Tristan Hall, Director of Youth-Led Programs & Problem Gambling Program Manager, Drug Free Action Alliance
This webinar is part of a regular series of free webinars brought to you by the Safe Routes to School National Partnership. Our webinar series focuses on topics related to Safe Routes to School, complete streets, active places, and other policy and program initiatives that increase walking and bicycling to school and in daily life.

To register for this free webinar, click

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