Last week it was the LA Film Festival at the Arclight, and this coming weekend, June 18 and June 19, is the 6th Annual Affair of the Arts in DTCC! In addition to visual arts, Affair of the Arts features two days of eclectic music from some of LA’s most loved musicians. Adults and children will also be able to participate in interactive art projects, plus there will be other activities including face painting, glitter tattoos, live painting, and magic! Downtown Culver City restaurants will be welcoming festival attendees so that everyone can come for the art and stay for the day. (Affair of the Arts is a celebration and a reminder that art and community can help bring about a more peaceful world with proceeds from the festival supporting the life-changing work of The Peace Project.) Saturday hours are 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., and Sunday 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
From Culver City Rotary Club president Carmela Raack via member Dannie Cavanaugh, comes word that the club’s upcoming meeting (this Wednesday, June 15) will feature as special guests and speakers, representatives from the Culver-Palms YMCA. Then the June 22 meeting will be the last Rotary meeting of the 2015-16 Rotary year, when the guest speaker will be Paul Jacobs, former mayor and current Chair of the Culver City 100th Centennial Celebration. Rotarians meet at the historic Culver Hotel, 9400 Culver Blvd. from 12:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. A special Club thank you went out to Rotarian Jerry Chabola, who stood in for the ailing Prez at the Culver City High School Awards Program last week. Jerry presented, on behalf of the club, the Chabola-Rotary Scholarship to Anthony Jaramillo, Interact Club President, student scholar and athlete and exceptional young man. Jerry also presented the Most Improved Student to Dominque Powell who raised her low GPA to become a fine student with excellent grades!
Ready for a Lifestyle Reboot? To demonstrate that the YMCA’s not exclusively for kids is “Making Health Happen,” a program designed to improve health and well-being, set to kick off on Tuesday, June 21. Brian Wylie, a licensed occupational therapist from USC, employs the principles and techniques that succeed in occupational therapy. He teaches not only the most up-to-date health practices—from healthy eating and exercise to stress management and mindful meditation—but also how to integrate these practices into your busy life. The program lasts 12 weeks, including a one-on-one session with Brian every week, and then joining others for a group session with Brian eight times during the 12 weeks. You can learn more about the program this Tuesday and Thursday, June 14 and 16 at the Culver-Palms Family YMCA, when Brian will conduct meet-and-greet informal sessions from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the courtyard area. For more information, contact the Y’s Front Desk at (310)390-3604 or email [email protected].
Sympathy goes out to Greg Goodyear, (who just recently also lost his girlfriend): his mother, Elaine Goodyear, widow of his dad, Coach Del Goodyear, passed away a few short weeks ago. She was a long- time active member of Grace Lutheran Church, well known around Culver City, and beloved by many. Known as a “tiny woman with a huge heart and personality,” Elaine will be missed. Services will be held at Grace at a later date, to be announced.
How did we miss this??? Culver City’s Recreation and Community Services Department was happy to assist at the Culver City EXPO Station Celebration on Saturday, May 21st. The event also featured the Culver City Strummers Ukulele group, which is based at the Culver City Senior Center. The Strummers had a ukulele flash mob at the party, playing songs such as “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and the original tune, “Riding the Expo Line!” Hopefully The Strummers will be doing the tunes (especially “Over the Rainbow”) at Fiesta La Ballona!!
Sad to note, but World Elder Abuse Day is on this Wednesday, June 15th. Remember that elder abuse can occur anywhere: in your home, in nursing homes, or other institutions. It affects seniors across all socioeconomic groups, cultures and races. Talk with family members, friends, and professionals that you can trust, because unscrupulous people target seniors and will abuse or take advantage of them. Making a report in instances of abuse or neglect is the right thing to do and it’s easy. In cases of immediate danger, call 911. Another excellent resource is The Aging and Adult Services. Call Center Hotline at (877) 477-3646 – let’s all help protect our seniors!
Culver City’s (third Saturday) “Walk With a Doc” is back at Veteran’s Park, 4117 Overland Ave. this Saturday, June 18, meeting on the lawn near the tennis courts as in the past – look for the WWAD banner. Saturday Dr. Jeffrey Penso will provide an update on “The Paleo Diet” at 8:45 a.m., then a stretch will be conducted by Fitness Trainer Brandon Webb at 8:50 a.m. Then it’s walk-at-your-own-pace across the creek and around Lindberg Park, arriving back at Vet’s Park approximately 10:00 a.m.
From Amir Zendeham comes the reminder that the next 54th Assembly District Republican Central Committee meeting is scheduled for this Tuesday night, June 14 at 7:30 p.m. at Lenny’s Deli, 2379 Westwood Blvd., where congratulations will be extended to the newly elected members of the committee from last week’s California primary elections: Glen Ratcliff, Cristina Saca, Keith McCowen, Bret Osterberg, Jim Sebelski, Beatrice Jett and Sara Tavakoli.
(Summer)Time’s marching on for birthday celebrants (and our family members) Liam Smith and Joy Sangalang Smith, as well as John Lopez, Oliver “Oye” de la Torre (practically a member of the family), Daphne Yemofio, Lynn Erickson, Dolores Banks, Felice Ganz, and David Keith. If you’d like your (or a friend or family member’s) birthday mentioned here, just send the information to [email protected] and we’ll be happy to post it!
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