PTA Closes the Year with Lin Howe Hospitality

313367f5-afa2-46ff-a2dc-562699c7cf35The annual ‘in and out’ meeting of the CCUSD PTA brought together the outgoing and incoming officers from all the district schools at the Lin Howe Campus on Thursday, May 26 at 7 pm. The school was sporting fresh murals and a new outdoor classroom, shining from a recent visit by Sony Studios volunteers who worked on the campus on their annual volunteer day in April.

After a delicious dinner from Tub’s Fine Chili, the basic business of introducing the officers, approving agendas, and updating by-laws, District Council President Maren Neufeld turned the meeting over to Lin Howe PTA President Joanna Brody. Escorting the crowd through the campus to show the new murals and the new outdoor classroom, even the falling light of the evening couldn’t dim the enthusiasm.

Several of the murals were designed by Lin Howe parents, and the volunteers from b394bc19-ff55-4792-a4ec-533c4a78f535Sony put the finishing touches on the art. The outdoor classroom was funded by a “Greener World” grant from Sony, given to a sustainable project. As a lovely example of community, the outdoor classroom is dedicated to Leah Nico, the Lin Howe parent whose sudden, unexpected death last year in October touched the whole school.

The Lin Howe PTA officers (pictured right, at the outdoor classroom) all offered their thanks to Sony for the contributions of funding and labor, and spoke of looking forward to using the classroom in the coming school year.

-Judith Martin-Straw

The Actors' Gang

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