The Culver City Fire Department is offering everyone a chance to be ready to save a life! You and your family can join the Department for a free CPR event at Starbucks Courtyard (9718 Washington Boulevard) on Thursday, June 2nd from 11:30 am – 2:30 pm. The life you will learn to save could be someone you know and love, and bystander CPR (hands-only) provided immediately after sudden cardiac arrest can up to triple a victim’s chance of survival. In just 15 minutes, you can learn this life-saving skill. This presentation is recommended for ages 5 and up, and classes will start every 15 minutes. The first 100 participants will be entered in a drawing to win a disaster kit for a family of four!
Did any of you read the “Saturday” section of the Los Angeles Times this past weekend? Culver City restaurateur Soon Yang (Father’s Office and Lukshon in the bustling Helms Business District) was lauded for his seemingly ever-changing XO Sauce, which we have to try! Anybody care to join us?
Congratulations to the new officers of the Culver City Elks Lodge #1917, installed last month: Exalted Ruler, Marilyn Marble; Secretary, C. Micheal Melton; Treasurer, Eddie Meza; Esteemed Lecturing Knight Day Hudson; Esteemed Loyal Knight, Lance Hudson; Inner Guard James Knybel II and Assistant Inner Guard Tara Foster; Chaplain Becky Johnson and Assistant Chaplain Jean Phillips; Assistant Esquire Andrew Rosenblatt and Esquire Mark Cass; Trustees Frank Campisciano, Joseph Calo and George Aceves; Tiler, Sue Green.
Culver City Rock & Mineral club members are gearing up for their annual “Fiesta of Gems,” set for June 25-26. You can bet new members Carrie Friedman, Steve Laguardia and James Samatas will be on hand to aid the other “rockhounds” in staging what is always a terrific show. The club meets on the second Monday of the month (next meeting June 13) at 7:30 p.m. in the Veterans’ Memorial Building and guests are cordially invited. For more info, visit www.culvercityrocks.org.
Coming right up is Memorial Day Weekend, and there will be special fun at the Culver City Municipal Plunge May 28th – 30th from 12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. the Plunge will be open to all at $1.00 per person per visit. On May 28th, the Aquatics staff will host a Recreation Swim Kick Off Party. There will be water safety presentations and a Learn-to-Swim information booth. It will be a fun-filled weekend with games and activities for the entire family! The Culver City Municipal Plunge is located at the Veterans Memorial Park, 4175 Overland Avenue in Culver City.
The Culver City Exchange Club has held its elections, with the results as follows: President – John Cohn; President Elect – Mike Snell; Vice President – Francia Fate; 1 year Board Members – Bruce Popkin, and Oliver de la Torre; 2 year Board Members – Larry Burns, Xavier Nuques, and Dr. Jay Shery; and Sgt/Arms – Matt Seeberger. The official installation dinner will be held at True Vision Entertainment Studio in Chinatown, beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 25. Incoming President John Cohn has reserved five vans (in other words, “beer & wine expresses”) to transport members to the site. Designated Club members will be needed to drive the vans, of course!
Even though the Culver City Sister City Committee doesn’t have a connection with a city in Italy (yet), its Installation of Officers and Quarterly Dinner will be held at EnjoEat Classico Restaurant on Wednesday, June 1. Cocktail time begins at 6:30 p.m. with Dinner at 7:00 p.m. and the Program at 8:00 p.m. The cost is $30.00 per person, $25.00 for students 18 and under, and a $1.50 per person fee for credit card transactions. RSVP by May 29 to Carolyn Burns at [email protected], (310) 365-0817.
We’re almost at the end of May, which is National Historic Preservation Month. The National Trust for Historic Preservation has themed this year “This Place Matters,” and this is especially appropriate since Culver City is about to celebrate its centennial year. Yes, Our Town will soon be 100 years old! Culver City Historical Society members are gathering at this Monday evening’s City Council meeting (7:00 p.m. at the Mike Balkman Council Chambers) to accept a proclamation from the City Council that officially designates May as Historic Preservation Month. The presentation will be at the top of the agenda, brief, and with a quick group photo of all Culver City Historical Society members present. (With the upcoming celebration of our city’s centennial year, CCHS is also looking for suggestions for a centennial marking, and members to serve on the committee. (The site should be at least 50 years old and hold architectural or cultural significance to the city.)
Birthday greetings go out this week to our son Paul Smith, Jake Jakubowski, Emma Baker, Grace West, John Maines, and Ron Engen . If you’d like your (or a friend or family member’s) birthday mentioned here, just send the information to [email protected] and we’ll be happy to post it!
Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!
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