The Governing Board of the Culver City Unified School District has selected Dr. John Cruz and Dr. Wendell Chun of Education Leadership Services as its advisors to assist the Board in its search for a new superintendent. One of the first tasks in the search and selection process is to determine the specific traits, skills, abilities, and experience desired in the new superintendent. The Board feels it is important to obtain input from others. They would like to invite members of the staff and community to meet with Dr. Cruz on either May 5th or May 6th to offer what they consider to be the criteria desired in the new Superintendent.
Appointments can be made by calling Rebecca Williams at (310) 842-4220 ext. 4204 to schedule an appointment. Written comments may be made on survey questionnaire forms available at school sites and the district office. Please forward the completed Survey Questionnaire forms that are available at www.ccusd.org/apps/news/article/570142, or provide your input at the Survey link below by May 6th to:
Attn: Rebecca Williams, Sr. Exec. Asst.
Culver City Unified School District
4034 Irving Place
Culver City, CA 90232
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