Scott Wyant is Awake, Alive, and Thankful

03e6ee9a-034b-48f0-82f8-e5828a4f9e2d“I’ve got a new hole in my head, and a dozen new friends.” Doesn’t that sound just like him? After almost 5 hours of surgery and a night of rest, the unstoppable Scott Wyant was awake and very pleased to be alive this morning.

“This is my Martha Washington portrait.” While he won’t get to keep the hairstyle, he is back, firing on all metaphorical cylinders.

“My enormous thanks to everyone thinking about me and sending their good wishes. And I did just have brain surgery, and now I’m going to rest.”

The Actors' Gang


  1. Scott, what a nice photo of you smiling, after brain surgery! Wow! Please do get that rest and we’re so thrilled that you’re on the mend.

  2. So good to see you sitting up and smiling Scott!!! You are amazing! Wishing you a speedy recovery! Big hugs to you!

  3. Scott, I voted for you and was unaware that something happened to you. I wish you a speedy recover. P.S. I worked with Leslie and Molly.

  4. So happy to see your smiling face after that long surgery! Hugs from me and Tom

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