I am very impressed that the Sierra Club has endorsed Councilwoman Meghan Sahli-Wells, Thomas Small and Daniel Lee for City Council. From what I understand, the Sierra Club used a very thorough process and determined that these candidates are by far the best in terms of their environmental records and their understanding of the steps our city could and should take to meet our residents’, workers’ and visitors’ needs for health and safety. What could be more important than our health and safety?
My understanding is that the same three–Councilwoman Meghan Sahli-Wells, Thomas Small and Daniel Lee–also were endorsed by the League of Conservation Voters, another important environmental organization.
I just learned that a third environmental organization, Vote the Bike LA–this one focused on the values of biking and other ways to get people out of their cars–has endorsed our Councilwoman while also touting the fine environmental records of Thomas Small and Daniel Lee.
For these reasons and many others, Thomas, Meghan and Daniel are the candidates for whom I’ll be voting. I hope many other Culver City residents will do the same.
Rebecca Rona-Tuttle
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