To celebrate the Culver City Centennial, CCUSD is partnering with the City of Culver City to create banners that will be hung all over town displaying what our students “Like Best About Culver City.”
Students will receive more information about the contest to take home on March 7, but all students may enter one original drawing or painting in the contest. Artwork will be judged based on creativity, quality and best representation of Culver City.
There will be one winner in each grade level at each school, and each school is responsible for judging the winning pieces. The winning pieces will be reproduced onto banners displayed throughout the city in the fall.
Entry forms will be available at all school sites in March, and submissions are due no later than 3:30 p.m. on April 12. Winning pieces will be announced before the end of the school year. Good luck and get drawing!
Culver Currents
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