Jim Lamm, President Emeritus of the BCR, couldn’t have been more pleased. “It was a beautiful day for another Ballona Creek cleanup! I really appreciated seeing the great event leadership of BCR’s creek cleanup co-leader Deb Gregory, Del Rey Residents association President Elizabeth Pollock, BCR’s super volunteer George Young, and the amazing BCR Club, led by President Erick Perez and Creek Cleanup Leader David Dumas.”
The creek cleanup has become a Culver City tradition, drawing in helpers and supporters from all around the area. Among the enthusiastic visitors and volunteers were LA City Councilman Mike Bonin and Field Deputy Chuy Orozco, Samohi teacher Benjamin Kay and a large group of his students. It was a great day, and they did a thorough job of it. Creek cleaners collected 300 lbs of recyclables and 400 lbs of trash according to Los Angeles Department of Sanitation.
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