Here are some highlights from the City Council meeting of August 24, 2015. At this meeting, the City Council:
Presented a proclamation in honor of Fiesta la Ballona 2015.
Approved a Professional Services Agreement with VCA Code Group for on-call building inspection services in an amount not-to-exceed $100,000 with a term from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016;
Approved a Professional Services Agreement with Hayer Consultants, Inc. for on-call building
inspections services in an amount not-to-exceed $100,000 with a term from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016; and Approved a Professional Services Agreement with Hayer Consultants, Inc. for as-needed building safety mechanical, electrical, and plumbing plan check services in an amount not-to-exceed $55,000 with a term from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016.
Approved a five-year Professional Services Agreement with AssetWorks for hosting services for the City’s fleet management system in a not-to-exceed amount of $119,373.
Approved a Memorandum of Understanding and a five-year lease with the Culver City Historical
Society for use of the Overflow Room at the City’s Veterans Memorial Building for a term ending
December 31, 2020.
Adopted a Resolution approving an agreement for a loan from the City to the Successor Agency to the Culver City Redevelopment Agency in a principal amount up to $206,750 with interest equal to the Local Agency Investment Fund, with principal and interest due and payable in full following the June 1, 2016 payment to the Successor Agency.
Introduced an ordinance granting a franchise to Crimson California Pipeline, L.P. (Proposed Crimson Franchise) for the operation of existing pipelines located in the public rights-of-way for the transportation of oil or products thereof pursuant to certain terms and conditions contained in the proposed ordinance.
Appointed Olga Vaysberg and Leonardo Wilborn to fill two Member-at-Large Representative positions on the Landlord-Tenant Mediation Board for terms ending June 30, 2017 and June 30, 2018, respectively, and appointed Jay Garacochea as the City’s Representative to the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles County West Vector and Vector-Borne Disease Control District for a term ending December 31, 2016.
Introduced an ordinance amending Chapter 3.06 of Title 3 of the Culver City Municipal Code pertaining to campaign finance and other political activities.
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