CC Foodie – Restaurant Grades to Add Numbers

360_restaurant_inspection_0719Los Angeles County health officials could soon be serving up some changes to the restaurant grading system. Facilities that receive an A grade are considered to be “generally superior in food handling practices and overall food facility maintenance” by the county. Restaurants that fail to notch a C grade will be assigned a number score from zero to 69. San Diego and San Bernardino counties are also among those in California which use an ABC grading system. It could also allow many places to stay in business despite major health threats.

Each food inspection begins with 100 points. As a health inspector conducts an inspection, the appropriate sub-categories in Section I – III on the Food Official Inspection Report (FOIR) will be marked. The categories in Sections I and II and the sub-categories in Section III have been assigned a specific point value based on the associated public health risk of the violation. This point value is deducted from the 100 points. To determine the facility’s grade, the health inspector must first add all the point deductions of the marked violation categories in Section I-II and the sub-categories in Section III then subtract that total from the 100 points. (Refer to Understanding the Food Official Inspection Report for more detailed explanations of these three sections.)


Beginning of the Inspection 100 points
Total Points Deducted – __________
Remaining Points Grade or Score

A grade (A, B, C) or score card will be issued to each facility at the end of all routine inspections. The card issued will be based upon the score received on the Food Official Inspection Report. The grading is calculated as follows:

90 to 100 points A Generally superior in food handling practices and overall food facility maintenance.
80 to 89 points B Generally good in food handling practices and overall food facility maintenance.
70 to 79 points C Generally acceptable in food handling practices and overall general food facility maintenance.
0 to 69 points Score Poor in food handling practices and overall general food facility maintenance.

A facility receiving a score less than seventy percent (70%) will be issued a score card and not a grade card. The score card will indicate the actual score received.

The grade/score cards must remain posted until the next routine inspection, at which time the inspector will issue a new grade/score card.

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