AVPA Extends Texting Fundraiser to June 30

just-text-giving-007We raised $5,000 at Java Gala with our “text to donate” campaign! Now there’s a way to turn that $5,000 into $20,000! Sony Pictures Entertainment and Janice Pober announce a matching grant of $10,000 – if the AVPA can reach our new pledge goal to $10,000 by the end of June!

We have an extraordinary chance to double everyone’s pledge and donation to AVPA! Please consider texting your pledge and making your tax-deductible donation today to help bring this gift to our students!

How it works –

Send text to this number: 41444

Your Message has 3 parts:

AVPA [your pledge amount] [your name]

for example: AVPA 50 Jane Smith

(you can leave your name blank, or make your pledge “in honor of” a person or AVPA department)

Click here to see our Thermometer with the progress towards our goal and a scrolling list of everyone’s pledge!

Click here to go directly to the Java Pledge Campaign donation page where you can donate securely with your credit card.

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AVPA and the AVPA Foundation thank

Sony Pictures Entertainment and Janice Pober

for 20 years of the Academy of Visual & Performing Arts!

Now let’s kick off our 20th year by raising $20,000!

The Actors' Gang

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