Black Talkies on Parade presents Roots of Rhythm, the 1984 three part documentary exploring the roots of African music in a variety of genres. Harry Belafonte narrates this musical journey that starts in Africa and explores it’s melodic influences in Latin, Jazz, Salsa, and Popular music. All three parts of the series will be screened, which includes Across the Ocean, The Fiery Romance, and Top of the Charts. As the U.S. begins to work with Cuba politically, what better time than to delve into the musical history of Cuba and see how music styles all over the world have had an impact on each other. The afternoon will be hosted by Executive Director Lloyd Clayton and will feature a post film discussion.
Screening is FREE!
Saturday, May 23rd @ 4 pm
Mayme A. Clayton Library and Museum
4130 Overland Ave.
Culver City, CA 90230
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