CCEF to Screen ‘Losing the West’

TSjJtIf7_400x400‘Losing the West” is a documentary about the protection of open space and agricultural lands, illustrated by the story of Colorado cowboy Howard Linscott, a gruff, chain-smoking 70-year-old who’s been ranching all his life. As we follow him across the magnificent Colorado Rockies, the film explores whether small ranching and farming can survive as they collide with inevitable population growth in the West and its dwindling natural resources.

As the U.S. population expands, who will raise our crops and livestock? How does this affect those living in urban settings? How can we preserve the water, fertile land and open space we all need? What changes can we make in our own communities?

The interviews include Dr. Patricia Nelson Limerick of the Center of the American West, U.S. Senator Michael Bennet (D-Colorado), Colorado State

Senator Ellen Roberts (R), Andy Lipkis, founder and president of TreePeople, representatives of the Colorado Coalition of Land Trusts, the Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust, along with friends and co-workers of Howard Linscott.

Q & A Panel after the Film: How does this effect us locally?

Drought discussion – Land use – Educating the city

Director Alex Warren:
AlexWarren has long been involved in conservation and humanitarian causes. She has written, directed and produced the documentary “Losing The West” to raise awareness of land use, water conservation, and sustainability practices.

Former Mayor Meghan Sahli-Wells:
As Culver City’s immediate past Mayor, Meghan Sahli-Wells is entering her fourth year as a member of the City Council in Culver City. She has championed initiatives to improve the lives of children in her community, and has led efforts to address water conservation, active transportation, affordable housing, homeless services, and comprehensive oil drilling regulations.

Legislator Richard Katz:
Richard Katz was California’s lead negotiator for the landmark Colorado River Agreement between California, the Federal Government, four California Water Agencies. Katz has also played a pivotal role in renegotiating $30 Billion worth of California’s Energy contracts and developing California’s Transportation Blueprint for the 21st Century.

Executive Director Mayisha Akbar:

Executive Director of the Compton Jr. Posse (CJP) Youth Equestrian Program, Mayisha was born and raised in the South Bay and has been involved with horses since childhood. A Loyola Marymount Alum, Mayisha moved to the Richland farms area of the City of Compton and there the Compton Jr. Posse was created for at risk youth, to provide a year round after school program using equine science and equestrian activities to inspire youth to reach their personal, academic and career goals.

Supervisor Neal Shapiro:
Neal Shapiro is a Watershed Section Supervisor and Watershed (Urban Runoff) Management Coordinator for the City of Santa Monica’s Office of Sustainability & the Environment. He oversees water conservation & efficiency programs, and watershed management programs, all geared to reduce water pollution and use our precious, limited resources.
Cocktail Hour: 6:00pm Appetizers & Open Bar

Catering will be provided by local restauranteurs
Showtime / Q&A Panel: 7:00pm

Kirk Douglas Theatre Guest Event
9820 W Washington Blvd,
Culver City, CA 90232

Click here for Tickets

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