Saturday, April 25 is the night of all nights for you to look skyward. That’s when the whole world will be celebrating the “Global Star Party”—an evening devoted to appreciating the skies that surround our fragile planet Earth. The night’s celebration is part of Global Astronomy Month (GAM), sponsored by the astronomy advocacy organization Astronomers Without Borders (AWB).
Use this link to check out AWB’s worldwide events: astronomerswithoutborders.org/gam2015-programs/observing/1558-global-star-party-for-gam-2015.html
One April 25 global event of special interest will be the “Hangoutathon” a shared program of AWB and CosmoQuest:
This online Marathon-length event runs from 8:00 a.m. April 25 to 8:00 p.m. April 26.
During the Hangoutathon, CosmoQuest invites you to race to map the worlds: Mercury, the Moon, Mars (yes, we’ll have Mars!), and cold distant Vesta. While you do science, we’ll take you on a tour around the world as we follow the terminator to Global Star Party events taking place around the world.
The Hangoutathon runs for 36 hours straight so no matter where you are in the world you will be able to tune in and see some exciting astronomy programming.
This year, as part of the Hangoutathon, AWB is teaming up with CosmoQuest to let you participate live online in Global Star Parties being run by clubs all over the world!
See more at: astronomerswithoutborders.org/gam2015-programs/online/2607-cosmoquest-hangoutathon.html#sthash.ZJeXiu5O.dpuf
Another online highlight of Global Astronomy Month is “Walking on the Moon: A Virtual Telescope Project.” Go online at 12:00 noon on Friday, April 24 to reach the Moon from home!
The Virtual Telescope Project provides a remote, online lunar observing session, linked up with plenty of friends from all around the planet. Find your own crater, mountain or sea while flying over our ancient satellite, with live narration. This promises to be an unforgettable event.
See more at
AND HERE AT HOME, JUST ABOVE THE BLUFFS IN WESTCHESTER, the public is invited to look skyward from 7:30 to 10:00 p.m. Saturday, April 25, at our local version of the Global Star Party. Host Bob Eklund welcomes you to join him at the parking lot of the Christian Science Church at 7855 Alverstone Ave., corner of 79th St.
Telescopes will be set up for everyone’s enjoyment. We’ll be looking at Jupiter with its four moons, our own Moon and its craters, and stars and nebulae.
ALL are welcome—bring the children, learn astronomy together, and enjoy the sky! And if it’s cloudy or rainy, come anyway—there’ll be an indoor learning session on basic astronomy, especially for children (of any age).
There is no charge, and refreshments will be served. If you have a telescope of your own, feel free to bring it—experienced amateur astronomers will be on hand to help you set it up if necessary.
Questions? Contact star party host Bob Eklund, (310) 216-5947, [email protected]
Caption: Bob and Laura Eklund enjoy the skies at a Westchester star party. Photo by Aaron Dominguez.
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