Bike Path Closure – March 23 -27

DD8FRFBJ3MGNS3R9-rsz460x688-cp0x114x460x344The Public Works Department is scheduling the closure of the Ballona Creek Bike Path between Overland Avenue and National Boulevard from March 23rd through March 27th for maintenance. The closure hours will occur from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm each day. The following maintenance needs will be addressed during the closure:

Removal of graffiti along the embankment adjacent to the bike path
Repair of several areas of cracked pavement
Removal of dead trees and clearance pruning of low hanging vegetation, which will also include areas outside of proposed segment closure
Thermo-plastic of street names on the pavement of the bike path within city jurisdiction for location identification, which will also include areas outside of proposed segment closure.

As ever, cycling on the street means obeying the traffic lights, stop signs and rules of the road. Be safe!

The Actors' Gang

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