Transition Culver City will be presenting their eco-movie night, so haul on over to Sivananda Yoga Center for Bike Shorts and more. The fun begins at 7 pm with a pot luck for snacking and schmoozing. Then we’ll view short films about making a less car-centric city. There will be a panel discussion afterwards to discover more chances to find out how to make significant improvements and reduce carbon footprints.
Panelists are scheduled to include Nona Varnado, LA BIKE TRAINS (labiketrains.com/), Jim Shanman Walk n’ Rollers( www.walknrollers.org/) and Meghan Sahli-Wells Bike advocate/ Mayor of Culver City (meghansahliwells.com/)
Saturday Feb. 7, 2015 7 pm
Sivananda Yoga Center 13325 Beach Ave.
Marina Del Rey 90292
(Just a short bike ride from Culver City ..)
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