Dear Editor – Reflecting on Student Behavior

Light-bulb-0003-300x198Dear Editor,

While Jody Reichel states:

I wouldn’t want the actions of a few students to cause people to think badly of our entire student body. We have so many amazing kids.
 Want proof? Go to their concerts, their art exhibitions, their film screenings, their plays. Check out their sports teams, their robotics team and their garden club. Ask about their civic action projects, their internships and volunteer work. Talk with a teacher about how academically high achieving high school students are mentoring academically at risk students, or ask about the schedule change designed to help many more struggling students find their way to academic success.

I wouldn’t want the actions of a few to reflect badly on the entire student body either. However, citing membership in the garden club, participation in sports, volunteering, etc., as “proof” that those students would not engage in sexual predation shows a lack of knowledge of the subject.

Any sexual predator can join a garden club, and we know how a large number of professional athletes treat women. Ted Bundy, a very bright law student who volunteered at a suicide prevention center, was so impressive that he was being groomed for a leadership position in the Republican Party and possibly for elective office.

Having a prominent citizen deny the possibility that good students who engage in good works would never victimize a fellow student is hurtful and completely unfair to the alleged victim. I’m sure it is possible to defend the vast majority of the student body, who had nothing to do with the incident, without treating the alleged victim badly or to publicly demonstrate that someone prominent in the school system is so uninformed.

I would hope Culver City Crossroads, run by the well-informed Judith, would consult with the writer of a piece with a valuable message so it isn’t ruined by such erroneous “proof.”

Fran Longmire

Editor’s Note – All letters to the editor are published under “Opinion” and may or may not express views that Culver City supports. What we do support is the right of everyone to have an opinion, and we are dedicated to keeping a space open for those thoughts to be shared with the community.

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