Metro Adopts Complete Streets Policy

lagdwaterThe first Complete Streets Policy in LA County is on its way to adoption. The policy — approved last week by the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (Metro) Ad-Hoc Sustainability Committee—promotes street designs that accommodate all travelers—pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and motorists. On October 23, the full Metro Board voted to approve $2.85 million to continue to move forward with the Rail-to-River bike and walk path project. The funds will pay for further studies, planning, and design work to prepare the project to receive capital funding in the future. potentially approve transportation and corridor funding for the roads, sidewalks, and other areas around transit stops and hubs.

After a yearlong outreach process, the draft Complete Streets policy includes feedback from various stakeholders including cities, Council of Government bodies, advocates, the American Automobile Association, Metro staff, and the general public.

The policy outlines ways that Metro can support Complete Streets on a regional level through corridor planning and transportation funding. While streets are primarily the jurisdiction of host cities within Los Angeles County, Metro plays a lead role in building rail projects, highways, and other facilities. Metro also guides major transportation funding to cities and agencies to develop projects through its annual Call for Projects.

Other notable points from the policy include:

Directs Metro to coordinate with local jurisdictions within Los Angeles County for Complete Streets project and initiatives
All divisions of Metro should include Complete Streets elements in the planning phases of all projects, unless exceptions are recommended by lead project staff and approved by the Metro Board of Directors.
Calls for the formation of a Complete Streets working group to provide technical assistance and input for development.

In response to public comments, the Ad-Hoc Sustainability Committee requested that Metro staff return to the Committee in several months to propose specific performance measures for the policy’s existing implementation plan.
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