Meeting in a Minute – City Council Sept. 22

time1Here are some highlights from the City Council meeting of September 22, 2014

At this meeting, the City Council:

Presented proclamations designating September 27, 2014 as “National Public Lands Day,” October as “Walk to School Month and October 8, 2014 as “Walk to School Day.”

Presented a certificate to Mr. Arturo Lepe in recognition of his completion of the Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Program.

Approved an agreement with the County of Los Angeles in an amount not to exceed $32,000 to obtain aerial imagery products through the Los Angeles Region Imagery Acquisition Consortium Program

Discussed the projected funding shortfall for Housing Programs provided by the City/Housing Authority and provided direction to the City Manager/Executive
Director. (This item will return to the City Council and Housing Authority Board in the near future for additional discussion and direction.)

Determined not to sponsor nor to provide financial support to a new event called the
Culver City Film Festival

Received and Filed a Measure Y Status Report from the Finance Advisory Committee

Approved the workplan for the Finance Advisory Committee as presented
You may view a complete web cast of the entire meeting by visiting

The Actors' Gang

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