CCEF Gets Funding for Sports, Health and Symphonic Jazz Orchestra

giftsCCEF has obtained a renewal grant from Global Sports Development for $8,980. This grant will enable Culver City High School to continue its Athletic Academic Support Program during this school year.

Through the grant from Global Sports Development, students also participate in the Culture, Education , Sports and Ethics Program (CESEP), creating artworks on the topics of sportsmanship, fair play and competing drug-free. Shown is one of many wonderful pieces of artwork submitted by High School teacher Kristine Hatanaka’s class.

In addition, CCEF has secured a $5,000 grant from Kaiser Permanente that will support Adolescent Mental Health Services at the Sandy Segal Youth Health Center (SSYHC). These funds will enable SSYHC counselors to work with students on improving classroom behavior, impulse control, communication, family relationships, peer relationships and conflict resolution.

These are just two of the many programs CCEF is bringing to our CCUSD schools. Look around next time you visit one of our campuses. Across the district, every third grader will be learning music using recorders provided by CCEF. Every elementary school will be participating in the Growing Great Garden and Nutrition Program made possible by CCEF funding and PTA volunteers.

Children from kindergarten through third grade will be exploring music with the Symphonic Jazz Orchestra thanks to funding from CCEF and PTA. Middle and High School students will be using microscopes and computers provided by CCEF. Middle school and High School students whose parents never graduated from college will become college-ready with help from the Advancement Via Individualized Determination (AVID) Program.

From the Front & Center Theater Collaborative programs at every grade level to technology – you are sure to smile when you watch our students in action. How much broader your smile will be and how much richer you will feel if your support is helping to make such programs, equipment and technology possible.

Topsy Turvy at The Actors' Gang 9/26-11/16

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