West Basin Municipal Water District announced today that it has increased the current Turf Removal Incentive from $2 to $3 per square foot within its service area thanks to a grant from the California Department of Water Resources and funding from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD). The grant allows West Basin to add an additional dollar to MWD’s $2 rebate for a total of $3 per square foot. This limited time offer allows West Basin residents to replace their high water use lawns with water-efficient ‘California friendly’ plants and landscapes. This incentive will help in mitigating the impacts of this and future droughts.
“West Basin has seen an increase in turf removal requests as a result of the drought, and this new rebate should provide even more local residents with the opportunity to help deal with the current drought by creating a more efficient water-saving landscape,” stated West Basin Board President Donald L. Dear.
California Friendly Landscapes use 80% less water than a typical lawn that needs 46” of water per square foot per year, compared to only 9” of water per year for local native plants using drip irrigation. These California Friendly landscapes conserve water, reduce green waste, reduce greenhouse gasses (mowing lawns), reduce water runoff (eliminate overhead sprinklers and use drip irrigation) and save residents money on their water bills. The average lawn uses 41,000 gallons of water a year, while a landscape with drought tolerant plants uses 6,800 gallons per year.
The $3 rebate will be paid for the first 1,000 square feet and $2 per square foot for the rest of the area. Funding is limited so rebates will be on a first-come, first-served basis. The rebate is paid after the installation is complete. A minimum of 250 square feet of turf must be removed.
With this limited incentive, West Basin’s goal is to remove an additional 100,000 square feet of water thirsty lawns to help reduce its take on imported water and help keep water in our storage reservoirs.
In addition to this new rebate, West Basin, in partnership with MWD, also offers free California Friendly Landscape classes that teach residents on how to create a water conserving garden. To learn more about upcoming classes, please visit www.westbasin.org. To qualify for the turf removal rebate visit, www.socalwatersmart.com.
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