Dear Editor – Peace Starts Here, with Art

Light bulb 0003About 4 years ago we launched The Peace Project and began working in Sierra Leone, Africa. About 7 months ago, I posted that I wanted to go to the Philippines — now The Peace Project is on the ground preparing to build the first community of 40 houses and a community center. A total of 200 houses are planned.

A few years ago, Mark Damon Espinoza told me he had a dream that he ran into me in an airport as I was on my way to the Middle East. I’ve never stopped thinking about that dream and as we head into The Peace Project’s 5th Annual Call for Artists amidst all of the unrest in Israel and Palestine, I feel it’s time to pay attention to that dream.

In the next month, I plan to identify how to take The Peace Project’s traveling exhibit into the region for an exhibit and to share the worldwide circle of love and peace that we create when we join hands, make art, and take action.

Care to join me? Stay tuned for details on this year’s call for artists (theme of “Peace Starts Here…”) which will open next week — in the meantime, view details on last year’s call for artists at

– Lisa Shultz

Whole 9 Gallery

The Actors' Gang

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