At the Mike Balkman Council Chambers, Assistant City Manger Martin Cole presided over the counting of the ballots for the City Council race, noting that, “As of the close of business on Monday, April 7, 1,804 mail in ballots had been received and put through the process of signature verifcation – less than 20 ballots did not pass signature verification.”
The 283 vote- by- mail ballots that arrived at City Hall on Tuesday, April 8 have not yet had signatures verified, so those may not be added in to the totals until Wednesday.
All mail in votes were totaled as of 8:55 pm.
Final vote tally for the evening –
Abrams 288
King 1181
Cooper 2167
Clarke 2072
There are still mail in votes to be counted, so results will not be finalized until every ballot is tallied. But as Martin Cole noted “I don’t expect the remaining ballots to change the results.”
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