From the Culver City Exchange Club comes an update on the landmark Culver Motor Clinic, located on the corner of Jefferson and Overland. It will now be known as Larsen Automotive when it reopens next week. Nick Larsen, grandson of the late Vern Larsen, will be in charge. (They even got Nick to let the Club continue holding its board and committee meetings in the Larsen Board Room). Great to see CMC up and “running!” Also from “the Exchanger” editor Linda Owens,”… the consensus of the members is that there will be a 4th of July Fireworks Show this year. The overriding question remains, WHERE?? The Powers to Be at CCHS have not wanted to commit, and WLA College is most anxious to have us come there. So……” Stay tuned, folks!
2014 Winter Session registration is now open for Jr. Lakers & Shooting Sparks basketball at the Culver-Palms Family YMCA. Through basketball, kids can learn teamwork and good sportsmanship while developing fundamental skills. Folks are urged to register now for the basketball league and get ready for an exciting, healthy Jr. Lakers and Shooting Sparks basketball season starting Saturday, January 25. Practices begin the week of January 20, and the season runs from Saturday, January 25 – March 15 (eight Saturdays), with team practices during the week at the Y and Saturday games at Culver City Middle School. The times of the Saturday games will be announced after players in various age groups (3-12 years old) and skill levels have been assigned to teams. Costs: Facility members – $94; Program members – $130; plus $20 for a uniform. If you’d like to enroll your youngster and/or being a coach or team parent, call Lamondo Greer, Associate Director of Sports & Recreation at (310) 754-4972 or email [email protected]. Better yet, visit the CPFYMCA at 4500 Sepulveda Blvd., meet Lamondo and sign up in person!
Share this information with needy seniors you may know: The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank – in collaboration with Culver City Rotary Plaza – invites seniors (60 years and older) to participate in the Commodity Supplemental Food Program. Qualified seniors can receive a free food kit once a month, prepared with specific nutritional needs such as meats, canned fruits and vegetables, dry milk and related products, cereals and other grain products, plus much more. Requirements include presenting a picture ID showing date of birth and proof of income – Social Security, SSI or Pension (bank statement, check stub, benefit award letter). Income for one person cannot exceed $1,21l per month; two persons, $1,640 per month. Apply in person on the first visit, where you may authorize a person to come in and pick up the food kit every month for you, if necessary. This all takes place at Culver City Rotary Plaza, 5100 Overland Avenue on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. (Initial registration in person is required on this date and time to begin receiving the food kits.)
Check Your Calendars Dep’t.: Wednesday, January 15 – the Culver City Historical Society’s General Membership and Installation of Officers Reception at Sony Pictures Plaza – no tickets will be sold at the door, so be sure to call (310) 253-6941 or email [email protected].
The first Culver City “Walk with a Doc” this Saturday, January 18 at 9:00 a.m. starts on the grassy area near the tennis courts at Vet’s Park (warm-ups at 8:40 a.m. led by Brandon Webb, Culver-Palms Family YMCA). This healthy, 60 minute walk is perfect for friends, families, and neighbors and it might just mean you’re able to keep one of your New Year’s Resolutions! To register, email [email protected] or call (213)226-0313.
The Culver City Education Foundation is extremely appreciative of grants received for the “Front & Center Theatre Collaborative,” that provides arts programming to all K-12 students in the Culver City Unified School District. These programs could not exist without the dedicated support of CCEF’s friends and supporters at The Fineshriber Family Foundation, which contributed $10,000; The Carol & James Collins Foundation that has renewed its support with an award of $15,000; and Sony Pictures Entertainment, a founding member of the collaborative, which donated $25,000 – all for the Front and Center Theatre Collaborative. Front & Center programs help Culver City children develop into empathetic, articulate adults. A special thanks also goes to art partners, The Actors Gang, Center Theatre Group, 24th Street Theatre, We Tell Stories, and Young Story Tellers.
Celebrating winter birthdays (maybe at the beach, California style?) are Diana Kirkpatrick, Bram Skelley & Paul Skelley (hey, they’re twins, folks!), Katie Priebe, Brenda Langdon, Jonathan Shaham, April Holland, Carlos Ozzimo, Lawrence Stefano Jacomelli, Jiin Kim-Daines, Robert McGindley, Jenny Alvarado, John Ryman, Erin Smith, John Allswang, Phil Arechiga, Andrea Bardin-Schainen, Johanna Monson, Beverly Hill, Claire Joyce, Florencio Cardenas, Renee Guirguis, Joseph Doherty, Louisa Garcia-Banda, Jenifa Hassan, and Shari Lynch. If you’d like to see your own or a friend or family member’s birthday here, email [email protected] and we’ll post it!
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