Join us for a delightful hour of charming and thought-provoking holiday plays in celebration of Hanukkah, Christmas and Winter. The plays of “We Tell Stories” are interactive with audience members participating from their seats and joining actors on stage. “Season of Giving is comprised of three multicultural stories and one poem: “One Chanukah in Chelm” is a silly “Stone Soup” story about the joys of charity; O’Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi” is a tender tale of two foolish children who sacrifice their greatest treasures to give the simple gift of love; A. A. Milne’s Christmas poem King Hilary and the Beggerman tells us (especially kings) not to be afraid of doing things; and Persephone in Hades is a Greek myth explaining the origins of winter. This is a program of humor and joy for all the family.
Be at the Culver City Julina Dixon Library at 2 pm – For more info Call Joan Mead (310) 559-1676.
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