Linwood E. Howe Elementary School is pleased to announce the return of their highly successful Dance/Walk to School day. This year, our Dance/Walk to School event will occur on October 9, 2013 and will coincide with International Walk to School Day. On this day Linwood E. Howe students will be joining students around the world in walking and biking to school. However, Linwood Howe students are putting their own spin on it by Dancing/Walking.
Linwood E. Howe’s Safe Routes to School Committee planned their first, highly successful Dance/Walk in May 2013. This was in an effort to raise awareness of the many health benefits of walking, and to maximize the number of students participating in the Safe Routes to School Committee’s weekly walking school bus, the Hiking Vikings.
Students, parents, teachers and community leaders will meet at City Hall at 8am, before setting off to Dancing/Walking to school at 8:15am.
For additional information please contact Dr. Kim Indelicato, Principal, at 310-842-4338.
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