Want to grab some great bargains plus help the Friends of the Culver City Youth Health Center in their fundraising efforts for this year? “Bidding For Good” is an online auction site where nonprofit groups can run auctions to assist in their projects. The Friends group is the fundraising arm of the Health Center, which is located on the campus of Culver City High School and Culver City Middle School. The proceeds of this auction will support the free ongoing physical and mental health programs at the Center. The auction is offering an array of Hello Kitty items, collectibles, TV show and movie memorabilia, gift cards, and much more. The bidding will begin on September 3rd and end on September 10th. To preview the items go to www.biddingforgood.com/CCYHC3. Ongoing funding for the Center is acquired through grants and donations, and now this fun opportunity! For more information about the Center or the Friends group call Andy at 310-837-5012 or Diana at 310-839-0862.
Culver City Chamber of Commerce members are prepared to find out what it’s like to Love Your Food Everyday when they meet for an evening of relaxed networking on LYFE’s outdoor patio this Wednesday, August 28, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Attendees will enjoy some of LYFE’s great-tasting, good-for-you food while sampling environmentally pioneered wines. LYFE is located at 9540 Washington Blvd in downtown Culver City. The cost is $15.00 for prepaid reservations, or $20.00 at the door. Call (310) 287-3850 by 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 27 to reserve.
LA Waterkeeper’s DrainWatch program gives volunteers the opportunity to survey and track the pollution that spills into our waterways, flows to our beaches, kills aquatic life, and threatens public health. Here is a great way for concerned citizens, students, and adventuresome environmentalists to get involved. (LA Waterkeeper provides all of the necessary training and tools— great for your resume, CV, or to build community connections! A “Snapshot Sampling” event will be held on our own Ballona Creek, part of an 8.8 mile long urban river whose watershed drains the Los Angeles Basin from the Santa Monica Mountains to the north, the 110 Freeway to the east, and the Baldwin Hills to the South. Volunteers will work in teams to collect water samples on the Centinela Avenue stretch of the Creek starting at 12427 Milton Street, Mar Vista, on Thursday, August 29 from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. For more information email [email protected] or call Lara at (310) 394-6162×101.
All you movie fans say “Yay!” — Michael Lynton, CEO of Sony Entertainment and Chairman and CEO of SPE, and Amy Pascal, Co-Chairman of SPE have announced that SPE and Tom Rothman will launch “TriStar Productions” on September 1st. The joint venture will augment the studio’s output of motion pictures and television programming. TriStar will produce approximately six movies annually from their Culver City-based studios. Great news!
Looks like a quiet weekend this coming Sunday, September 1, so there will only be one service at Grace Lutheran Church, and that takes place at 10:00 a.m. Grace is located at 4427 Overland Avenue, and the office will be closed the next day (Monday, Labor Day).
Those of you who got a taste of the Culver City Historical Society’s Archives and Resource Center (ARC) during Fiesta weekend will want to go back, we’re sure! ARC (located behind the Veterans Memorial Building at 4117 Overland) has changed its days of operation, so take note: formerly open the first and third Saturday of each month, now it’s the first and third SUNDAY of each month, from 1- 3 p.m. or by appointment, starting Sunday, September 1, 2013. The exhibits change regularly, so visit every few weeks and enjoy! According to Society President Michelle Bernardin the change of days has been made to give visitors easier access to the ARC and more parking in the surrounding lots. “Sunday is a day when families are looking for places to visit and the ARC offers wonderful displays of Culver City history at no charge,” said Bermardin. For additional information, call 310-253-6941 or send a message to [email protected] .
The Culver City Rock & Mineral Club never hurts for new and renewing members: Membership Chair Felice Ganz reports that the latest additions to this popular club include Shelia De Cora, Rachel Hieronimczak, and Margaret Oberg. Those re-upping are Challis Macpherson, Marilyn Matthews, Steve Willing and Rich Waters. The Rock & Mineral Show this year saw a huge increase in attendance, so no wonder more folks are interested in being a rockhound. For more information, visit www.culvercityrocks.org.
Culver City Adult School’s Fall semester begins September 9, and there are dozens of classes that range from the creative (Dance and Fitness, Jewelry Making, Visual and Creative Arts, Sewing and Crocheting) to education (U.S. Citizenship, Computer Education, French, Japanese and Spanish language, Adult Basic Education and GED Testing, etc.) Office hours are Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. and Fridays, 8:30 a.m. – 12 noon. Visit the office at 4909 Overland Avenue or go to www.ccusd.org/adultschool.
How can summer be flying by so fast? Late August birthday celebrants this week include Ken Smith, Mallory Low, Elijah Asheghian, Isaac Danner, Patricia LaBarbera, Earl Eskridge , Steve Rose, Marci Clarke, James Franzoia, Lorraine Murphy, Artem Kovalev, Laura Avila, Kevin Fujikami, Quincy Surasmith, Judith White, Min Yang, Stephanie Furlan, Karla Gibbs, Steven Johnson, Cynthia Landes, Lise De Sablet, Renea Greenberg, Forrest Poorman, Chand Shaikh, Patricia Trelinski, Gabrielle Friedenthal, Heather Merritt, Ignacio Nava, Ricardo Ramirez, Venita Ray, Gregory Smith, Susan Suh, Myra Boime, Patricia Hernandez, Dana Rucker, Olga Vaysberg, Christine Yoshida, Eric Fletcher, and Mia Peterson. If you’d like to have your (or a friend, neighbor or family member’s) birthday noted here, send the info to [email protected] and we’ll post it!
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