Pasdena City College Students AND Faculty Pass “No Confidence” Vote on Mark Rocha

On Feb. 27, 2013, the PCC Associated Students unanimously passed a resolution of censure against the PCC administration as well as a vote of no confidence, calling for the removal of President Mark Rocha, formerly of LACCD’s West LA College. During the week of Feb. 19-26, 204 full-time faculty members out of 364 submitted valid ballots, also calling overwhelmingly for a vote of no confidence – the actual results will be announced today (March 13.)

The faculty vote of no confidence ballot initiative was drawn up in order to call attention to the magnitude of a leadership crisis under President Rocha’s tenure. The hope is that these issues will be brought to the community at large to encourage more involvement by college and community members in the successful direction of the college.

The right to conduct an administrator’s review is a crucial component in the overall health of our college. In Aug. 2012, in an unprecedented move, the PCC Board of Trustees, two weeks before unilaterally canceling Winter 2013 intersession which now precludes students from transferring in the Fall as they had been planning, removed faculty, staff and students from the presidential review process, as per Board Policy #1680. Therefore, neither faculty, staff, nor students have been included to date in President Rocha’s evaluation.

These two votes of no confidence restore the rights of PCC faculty and students to evaluate President Rocha’s leadership and policies. On March 13, statements from both groups will be made to the Board of Trustees.


Topsy Turvy at The Actors' Gang 9/26-11/16

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