EPA Ruling on Soot Due on Friday – Speak Out Now

Photo: Ami Vitale/Panos Pictures
Photo: Ami Vitale/Panos Pictures

Deadline for clean air: Friday!

Soot kills. It causes respiratory ailments, heart attacks, premature deaths, and a wide range of other serious health problems. But existing safeguards against deadly soot pollution have been shown to be inadequate for communities living in the shadow of coal-fired power plants.

Friday morning, the EPA is expected to announce its long-awaited rule on soot pollution. In communities across the country, families deserve to know their air is safe. Now you have until Thursday night to make sure the EPA follows through on its months of studies and delivers a strong, scientific soot safeguard.

Stand up for life-saving soot protections. Send a message supporting strong soot safeguards now!

Got to secure.sierraclub.org/site/Advocacy?pagename=homepage&page=UserAction&id=9995&autologin=true&s_src=710ZSCSH01&JServSessionIdr004=otchdrvvk1.app220a#.UMoU7Yr3uj8.facebook and send a message for clean air.

Topsy Turvy at The Actors' Gang 9/26-11/16

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