Measure Y Gets a Crowd – Scott Zeidman

Photo by Cary Anderson
Photo by Cary Anderson

Saturday marked the last official “Yes on Measure Y” event, as dozens of supporters gathered at the downtown Starbucks to discuss Measure Y, and to pick up additional signs, flyers, and door hangers. Due to the tremendous support for Measure Y, flyers and signs have become a hot commodity.

Councilmember Mehaul O’Leary jokingly commented at the rally, referring to a prior Yes on Measure Y event, “That was the first time that I can remember having the Culver City Chamber of Commerce and the Culver City Democratic Club in complete agreement, as both agree that we should all vote Yes on Measure Y.”

The Culver City Democratic Club and the Culver City Chamber of Commerce are certainly not alone in their unparalleled support of Measure Y. Measure Y has been endorsed and is supported by every member of City Council, every member of the Culver City Board of Education, over a dozen former Mayors and former members of the Board of Education, as well as the Culver City Democratic Club, the Culver City Chamber of Commerce, the Culver City Education Foundation, the Culver City Senior Citizens Association, The Culver City Firefighters Association, the Culver City Fire Management Group, the Culver City Police Management Group, the Culver City Employees Association, and numerous neighborhood associations, including the Culver Crest and Blair Hills neighborhood associations.

In the argument for Measure Y, council members explained that they are proud to live and work in Culver City, and to enjoy high quality services and programs that provide an exceptional quality of life. However, since the 2008 recession, Culver City has lost $4.5 million in state funding, an additional $6 million in local revenues, plus millions annually through Sacramento’s elimination of Redevelopment, threatening our successes. The City has taken unprecedented measures to deal with this crisis: reducing the City workforce by nearly 18% and reducing the operating budget deficit through a combination of departmental cuts, retirements, and health care concessions. In addition, all Culver City labor unions agreed to pay their full share of pension costs and to cap health care expenses, reducing the City’s costs for pensions and health benefits, now and into the future. Yet, even with all these cuts and concessions, more is needed.

If passed, Measure Y will maintain essential Culver City services such as 911 emergency responses, paramedics, police and fire protection, as well as funding for sidewalk and street repairs, parks, senior and after-school programs.

Measure Y is on Tuesday’s ballot.

The Actors' Gang

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