The United Parents of Culver City are please to offer the nation’s first Parent Union podcast.
The first United Parents Podcast is now ready for download through itunes (to subscribe search “United Parents”) click right here at
The United Parents Podcast looks at current education issues around the country and Culver City Unified School District in Los Angeles County, California from the perspective of a parent union. The podcast promotes an educational culture that places the interests of students first. The Podcast was created by two of the Political Action Committee (PAC) members of the United Parents of Culver City (UPCC), Scott McVarish & Scott Kecken. UPCC gives parents a voice in the political process in order to positively impact the lives of Culver City families. We promote an educational culture that places the interests of students before those of adults. UPCC’s Political Action Committee (PAC) organizes the financial and political power of parents to support candidates and issues that promote a student-first agenda in our city and school district. We’re 100+ paid members strong and we’re just getting started. Join Us!
For more information, contact [email protected]
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