Dear Editor – Fiesta Wow!

Dear Editor,

I just had to write to you IN PRAISE of this year’s FIESTA LA BALLONA’S PARTY IN THE PARK PROGRAM! Nineteen pages filled with information about this awesome event there’s now no reason to say I didn’t know about the crafts-food-arts-Pokey-bustoparking-BucketBrigade-Bands-Yoga-Relays-BikeParking-GiantWheel-WaterBalloonToss-VintageCarriages-ZipperRide-AntiqueCityCars-CERT-Firefighters-Sack-Races-ESSENTIALCHOCOLATEICECREAMEATINGCONTEST!!! FreeParkingAtSonyMagicianUnicyclistSwingBandsTeenBandsBluesBandsMariachiBands



Grace Elliott

Breathless Culver City Resident

The Actors' Gang

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