Metro will officially open to the public both the Culver City Station and the Farmdale Station along the recently opened Metro Expo Line on Wednesday, June 20 at 12 noon. In addition, it was announced that patrons boarding trains at both the Farmdale and Culver City Station will receive free passes to use the Expo Line on June 20.
The public opening of the Culver City Station coincides with Downtown Culver City’s Third Wednesday “Summer Solstice” Happy Hour event which features special offers and free goodies from over 25 participating businesses throughout the downtown area, as well as outdoor entertainment and activities. The event takes place every third Wednesday of the month from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. in beautiful downtown Culver City.
The public is encouraged to take advantage of the opening of the Culver City Station and take the Metro Expo Line, in a short walking distance to the event, to sample artisanal cuisine and cocktails, shop at unique boutiques, view art, and enjoy a variety of live music and entertainment. For a complete list of freebies, offers, discounts and entertainment, visit www.downtownculvercity.com.
Culver CityBus will be offering free fares on Lines 1 and 7 all day on June 20. Line 1 travels from Washington/Landmark near the front of the Culver City Station, westward to downtown Culver City, onward to Venice Beach, and returns eastward to the West LA Transit Center along Washington Blvd. Line 1 buses operate seven days a week and will connect with the station approximately every 15 minutes during peak hours with an operating day lasting from 5:40 a.m. – 11:30 p.m. Line 7 will travel from the Robertson Transit Hub, adjacent to the Culver City Station, to downtown Culver City and Marina Del Rey; it will operate Monday-Friday with trial 30-minute headways during the extended hours of 6:00a.m. – 8:30 p.m. In addition, there will be free shuttle bus service from the Culver City Station (on Washington Blvd. near Landmark St.) and the Robertson Transit Hub to downtown Culver City every 8 minutes from 5 p.m. -10 p.m. on June 20. Fore more information, visit www.culvercitybus.com.
Both Phase I and II of the Metro Expo Line are being built by the Exposition Metro Line Construction Authority. Once completed, they are turned over to Metro to operate. For more information about the new Metro Expo Line, visit www.metro.net/expo or www.buildexpo.org.
I’ve spent months trying to suss out the answer to why the parking lot at the Culver City Metro Station is of third-world quality (seemingly just packed earth spray-painted black). Finally I’ve found the closest answer I can manage: (Former) Mayor O’Leary had/has envisioned that piece of land to be developed, transit-oriented mixed-use style, even though all it is right now is unpaved parking.
Source: http://articles.latimes.com/2011/may/26/business/la-fi-expo-line-project-20110527
So maybe it’s that: maybe that parking lot is unpaved on account of it being a temporary fixture, until such time as more extensive development makes sense.
That’s now my working theory, anyway. Anyone here got better information than that?
Patrick Meighan
Culver City, CA
Indeed, Patrick, that is the case. There was a development planned, and it’s up on blocks with the end of redevelopment. I shall find out why, and report on such.
Cool, thanks Judith! It always feels great to solve a mystery.
Patrick Meighan
Culver City, CA