We’ve been hearing from lots of locals who experienced the same great time we did on the inaugural run of the new Expo Line a couple of weekends back. Opening rides both days were free, with Saturday’s featuring lots of music, food trucks, displays, etc. at each of the five stops between LaCienega & Jefferson and the 7th St. Metro Center. Late this summer, the line will finally reach into Culver City with a station at Washington & National, so get ready to get out of your car and let the transit fun begin!
Drats – we missed it! FASTSIGNS International’s CEO Catherine Monson worked incognito on CBS’ hit show “Undercover Boss” and they filmed one of the segments right here at FASTSIGNS, 5554 Sepulveda Blvd. The episode aired last Friday, May 4 on CBS and several fellow Culver City Chamber of Commerce members watched and cheered at a viewing party.
Not being easy to get there on your own makes Cuba an even hotter travel destination. But here’s a couple of possibilities: Agape International Spiritual Center is organizing a nine-day trip in June, and the Culver City Chamber of Commerce has one set for October. Interest is high for both excursions and no wonder – we spent a week in Havana in 2002 and will remember it always as a life-changing experience.
Congratulations to new Culver City Exchange Club officers, elected unanimously at last week’s meeting: President – Bruce Popkin; President-Elect – Michelle Ford; Vice President – Eric Snell, and Board of Directors members Jeff Gillette, Todd Miller, and Dr. Jay Shery joining board “holdovers” Christy Lundy, Dr Bob Montgomery, and Paul Struhl. All are popping their vitamins for the countdown to the annual George Barris’ “Cruisin’ Back to the ‘50’s Car Show,”
this Saturday, May 12 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Special guest Master of Ceremonies will be Jeff Dunham – dubbed “America’s Favorite Comic” by Slate.com, and live music by Luis and the Wildfires and the Dynatones. Streets will be closed along Washington & Culver Blvds. Between Duquesne and Main Street, where you’ll see over 400 classic cars and hot rods plus enjoy food, music, vendors, Downtown restaurant specials AND the Culver City Fire Department’s Pancake Breakfast and Open House! Yawn. Just another Saturday in Our Town….
Once again Culver City CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) is heavily involved with American Cancer Society’s “Relay-for-Life”, a 24-hour walkathon to raise money for cancer research being held at Culver City High School from 9 am on Saturday, May 19 to 9 am on Sunday, May 20. CERT’s 13-member relay team is at 56% of goal on donations, and to help, Earle Hartling, CERT Training & Education Manager, will be hosting a Yard Sale at 4314 Jasmine Ave. (from 8:30 am until 2:00 pm) this coming Saturday, May 12. He’s aware that the Car Show and Fire Service Day will also be taking place at the same time, “… but I’m hoping the additional traffic will slop over into our event!” All proceeds from the sale will go to benefit the Relay for Life.
Wouldn’t every nonprofit like to have this kind of announcement to make: The Culver City Education Foundation’s Tribute to the Stars awards party, set for this Friday, May 11 is at capacity! The good news is that you can still enjoy the STREET PARTY on the famous Sony Studios Main Street that starts at 8:00 pm. Street party price is $120.00 for individuals and $75.00 for CCUSD employees which includes food, music, dancing, entertainment and silent auction. (Please do not arrive before 7:30 pm, you will not be able to check in before that time.) Have a great time honoring the “Stars” of the Culver City Unified School District. To bid on auction items online, visit www.ccef90230.org.
Springing into birthday celebrations are Stu Freeman, Rev. Margaret Zamorano, Kavita Downey, Loren Peterson, Xavier Nuques, Derrick Hente, Brent Lancaster, Jennifer Roberts, Ed Montgomery, Miriam Stenshoel, Jamie Long, Sam Feingold, Chad Maender, Yolanda Lumel, Sonia McDaniel, Rick Hudson, Steven Price, Gregorio Aragon, Gigi Frye-Anderson, Thomas Jameson, Keisha Kennedy, Jane Korenich, Wilma Norris, Celeste Cass, Andrew Frazier, Matthew Weber, Robert Zimmerman, Molly Forr, Niall MacManamin, Ken Palmer, Andrea Smith, Leilani Wallace, Liz Weiner, Peter March Habib, Kathryn Bell, Josie Mariposa, Heather Davis, Paul Guillemin, Sabino Miranda, Linda Davis, Mira Drinchich, Faith Maertens, Jaime Naylor, Katria Obarski, Brooke Peterson, Bob Knopf, Bret Weiss, Ohaji Kanyatta Abdallah, Louella Benson, Nancy Block, Khatun Kanji, Marianna Nabor, John Rodd, Wim Scholten, Terrence Watkins, and Frances Talbot-White. If you’d like your birthday mentioned in LOCALmotion, let us know at [email protected].
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