I support Scott Malsin. In the twenty years I have lived in Culver City, I have gone from an employee with paid medical benefits to an employer, paying health insurance premiums for my employees and myself. I have gone from a single man to a married man with two high school age children. I was probably more idealistic twenty years ago, so maybe back then I might have been more critical of Scott’s decision to keep his medical benefits. Not today.
When Scott put his personal life out for public scrutiny, I thought: what would I do under the same circumstances? My medical history precludes me from obtaining a new health insurance policy, and a group policy might limit the quality of care my family and I have enjoyed. Would I be willing to give it up? Absolutely not! Health care for my family and myself is non-negotiable. I have learned from personal experience that medical coverage is an extremely valuable asset. You do not have to look far to see how devastating an accident or illness can be for a family.
Scott and I may not see eye to eye on every issue, but if I were in his shoes, I would act as he did. Furthermore, I admire his willingness to have an open dialogue with the community—even when it meant subjecting himself to public criticism. He could have just retired, kept his insurance, and avoided public ridicule. Instead, he is willing to take one on the chin so that he can continue to advocate for us and for Culver City. And Scott has proven that he has the skill set, experience and wisdom to be a very strong advocate indeed. He’s a tough negotiator also— a valuable asset in these challenging economic times. For all of these reasons, Scott Malsin has my vote! I hope he gets yours, too.
Dean E Gebroe DVM
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