I just returned from New York – I visited my daughter who lives there, and I attended a celebration of life for a good friend. The visit with my daughter was wonderful – we ate, she took me to all of her favorite venues, I met her new friends, and I enjoyed simply sitting on the subway train with her. What better way to spend the day than withyour daughter – it doesn’t matter what you do, it’s just being together.
The celebration of life was for a good friend who died after complications from cancer treatment. He was an amazing person, and attending this wonderful event made me realize just how short life is, and how it can change in a split second. He lived his life well, had a wonderful family, but he will be missed.
Feng Shui teaches me to understand the cycles and balance of life. I have been busy with consultations and the visit to New York was a much needed break, and the opportunity to remind myself that ending and renewal is a part of the feng shui cycle.
Feng Shui combines knowledge of compatible/antagonistic Chinese zodiac relationships, and positive/negative balance of the five elements, fire, earth, metal, water & wood. A study of feng shui will help you to understand life’s cycles and balances. The study of qi gong will help you to balance the energies in your body, and tai chi will help your energies in your body to flow with the environment. This is why I love feng shui.
It looks like spring is coming to Los Angeles – in feng shui we call this the transition from water (winter) to wood (spring). It’s an end and a beginning.
In gratitude, Janet Mitsui Brown, www.thejoyoffengshui.com
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